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PHENOMIN is the National Infrastructure in Biology and Health granted in 2011 by the Investissements d'Avenir program.The Infrastructure gathers 3 complementary centers to serve and support the scientific community for the best use of mouse phenogenomics in Research. PHENOMIN missions and realizations enable to

  • Address services to the academic and industrial scientific communities
  • Build a unique resource of model animals for fundamental reasearch, biotechnological and biopharmaceutical innovations
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PHENOMIN in 2020

2020 in numbers: an important review stage.

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Icon PHENOMIN 2020 activity report (1.5 MB)

PHENOMIN 2020-2024

in summer 2019, The PHENOMIN infrastructure defended its activity report for the period 2011-2018 and its proposal for 2020-2024. The evaluation of PHENOMIN was sent to us in August 2019 with the following general comment:

The face-to-face meeting with representatives of the PHENOMIN supported the excellent report/application and the panel can state that PHENOMIN is mature, excellent research infrastructure of great importance to research community of France and with global impact. PHENOMIN has already provided. Representatives of the RI explained also the PHENOMIN’s further development within the CELPHEDIA, where the PHENOMIN should take a lead as a central element, increasing its impact scientific community working with animal models, also other than rodents, thus disseminating their knowledge and expertise over the broad French and international research community.”

The Directors of the PHENOMIN Centers, as well as all the managers of work programs, would like to thank and congratulate all their colleagues for this evaluation which will commit us to a new period of activity of 5 years to serve the scientific community. We will all face new challenges and as Centre Directors we are confident that we can meet them together to provide better services and new tools to the scientific community.

Thus, the objective of PHENOMIN is to develop and maintain according to the community’s needs, innovative, standardized and parallel methodologies, functional analysis and comparative genetics for rodent models. PHENOMIN will allow research teams to carry out integrated comparative functional analysis and to ensure a better translation of results to human. PHENOMIN aims for the new 5 years period:

  • To develop or improve tools to advance basic research in mammals and better respond to the ethical demands of society on the use of animals in research (Welfare and Ethic)
  • To improve the impact of preclinical studies on the development of therapies in humans with new mouse models 3.0
  • To decipher the function of the mammalian genome

Centre for ImmunoPHEnomics (CIPHE)

The Center for ImmunoPHEnomics (CIPHE, Inserm US12 and CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université UMS3367) is a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to create innovative customized mouse models delivered under a specified and opportunistic pathogen free status (SOPF) and to analyze in a comprehensive and standardized manner the immune system of the mouse under normal and infectious conditions.
CIPHE, with its cutting-edge expertise in mouse genetics and immunology also pursues the development of knock-in and knock-out mouse models permitting to understand the nature of the "molecular machines" that determine the function of the cells that constitute the immune system. CIPHE comprises

  • A knock-in/knock-out booster
  • A microinjection and cryopreservation unit
  • An immunophenotyping unit
  • A BSL3 facility capable of in vivo non-invasive imaging of infectious processes
  • A SPF animal house

Using multiparametric flow and mass cytometry as well as advanced microscopy approaches, CIPHE has the unique ability to decipher at the systemic level the complexity of the immune system based on the evaluation of up to 300 quantitative parameters.

Mouse Clinical Institute (ICS)

The Institut Clinique de la Souris (Mouse Clinical Institute) is a large-scale facility open to the community that ensures

  • The generation of mouse and rat models "à la carte"
  • The validation of genetic models
  • The expansion, preservation and distribution of models
  • The phenotyping of mouse and rat models through series of standardized functional analysis that can be performed in a comprehensive pipeline or on demand ; the assays provided by the different phenotyping platforms cover the major functions and key physiological systems.

The ICS has also established several resources of genetic tools such as CRE-ERT2 lines, nuclear receptor conditional mutants and a list of GEM lines generated through different european consortia. All these models are available on this page.

Typing and Archiving of Animal Models (TAAM)

The Center for Typing and Archiving of Animal Models is a CNRS laboratory providing the scientific community with fundamental biomedical and pharmaceutical research. It is composed of 2 departments: the CDTA and the CIPA.

  • The CDTA (Department for Cryopreservation, Distribution, Typing & Archiving) is a center for breeding and distributing transgenic and mutant mice and rats in different health sanitary status conditions (SPF, SOPF, axenic, gnotoxenic). Breeding capacity of the CDTA is organized in 7 facilities with different types of housing: open cages in protected area to develop strains, ventilated racks in protected area to maintain and preserve strains, isolators to protect susceptible, axenic or gnotoxenic strains, open or ventilated cages in experimentation zone.
  • The CIPA (the Centre for Imaging Animal) provides researchers with innovative 2D and 3D imaging, allowing non-invasive exploration techniques to be developed in murine models. Thanks to its close co-operation with high-tech industries, the CIPA is capable of implementing the most recent technologies. It can propose 2D imaging as X-ray Radiology, Scintigraphy or Optical imaging but also 3D imaging as CT Scanner, 3D scintigraphy, Optical Imaging or Positron Emission Tomography.

Quality Policy

Spring 2020 : Renewal of the ISO 9001 : 2015 certification of the Quality Management System of the PHENOMIN infrastructure governance.

  • PHENOMIN has been approved by Lloyd's register Quality Assurance to the following Quality Management System Standards NF EN ISO 9001:2015. The certification guarantees the requirements of international standard of the quality management system for the "Strategic management, coordination and animation of PHENOMIN: the National Infrastructure in Biology and Health for mouse phenogenomics". 
  • This certification completes the certifications obtained by each of the Infrastructure nodes regarding their fee-for-service and research and development activities in Genetic engineering, Breeding, Phenotyping and Management for murine models.
  • PHENOMIN is the 1st French research infrastructure to have been certified on its governance under ISO 9001 : 2015 norm.
  • The certification has been renewed in March 2020.


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